exchange rate dollar to pound

Canadian dollar vis-a-vis selected currencies - Bank of Canada.
Current exchange rate BRITISH POUND (GBP) to HONG KONG DOLLAR (HKD) including currency converter, buying & selling rate and historical conversion.
Calculator to convert money in Pound Sterling (GBP) to and from Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) using up to date exchange rates.
UK Pound Sterling / US Dollar FX Spot Rate FX cross rate -
exchange rate dollar to pound
New Zealand Dollar and Syrian Pound - The Currency Converter.Central Bank of Nigeria | Exchange Rate.
Convert Barbados Dollars (BBD) and Pounds Sterling (GBP.
exchange rate dollar to pound
Convert Australian Dollars (AUD) and Sudanese Pounds (SDG.Convert Irish Pounds (IEP) and United States Dollars (USD.
Convert Pounds Sterling (GBP) and Singapore Dollars (SGD.
(GBP) and New Taiwan Dollars (TWD) - The Currency Converter.
Calculator to convert money in Pound Sterling (GBP) to and from New Taiwan Dollar (TWD) using up to date exchange rates.
Calculator to convert money in Egyptian Pound (EGP) to and from Singapore Dollar (SGD) using up to date exchange rates.
Calculator to convert money in Australian Dollar (AUD) to and from Sudanese Pound (SDG) using up to date exchange rates.